I finally had gotten an opportunity to take at least one of my boys to New York to see the attractions, visit the stores, and of course see the cast of
My 9 year old, Mike was very eager to go and a bit nervous so I was told. He loves the show and characters and is a huge fan of Matt Bomer and wanted to dress like Neal Caffrey for our trip. Since It was suppose to be around 90 degrees that day, we settled on just a tie and fedora. :)
We started our journey heading toward the direction we had read at
On Location Vactions where the crew would be filming. Our first surprise of the day was running into Sharif Atkins who plays FBI Agent Clinton Jones on the show. He was dressed and looking very handsome in his military garb practicing for a scene. I did not want to disturb him and asked a crew member nearby if Matt and Tim were around
and was told they were on the other side of the building we were at.
Meanwhile, while I was talking, Mike had shyly waved to Sharif who waved back and called him over. While I had had the pleasure of watching Sharif in action before, I never had the honor of meeting with him. We chatted for a bit and he talked to Mike for some time making Mike feel like he was a very important person:) As we went to get a pic, a New Yorker walking by apparently didn't like my Phillies shirt and yelled "Go back to Philly!"
I ignored it, but Sharif being the gentleman he was yelled back to protect my honor "Mind your manners, sir!"
I felt pretty special too:)
Afterward we were on our way. Around the bend, there was a lot going on. I took Mike right to the heart of it and we waited. Soon after , Matt arrived. We waited until he was done talking and I nudged Mike to go say hi. Michael, who never stops talking mind you, was speechless. I went with him and when Matt saw us, I knew he recognized me. He asked how I was doing and gave me a hug. (Talk about feeling special again.)
I introduced him to Mike. Matt looked his hat and the two began discussing school and so forth. I snagged a crew member and asked him if he would be able to take a pic of us. Matt immediately got down to Mike's level. Mike was so happy and a bit in shock! That pic is now one of my faves of the day!
While Matt got ready to work, who strode by but Tim DeKay! He did a fake shock look when he saw us and I knew he recognized me too and maybe even Mike from the pic I showed him before. We exchanged pleasantries as well and he talked to Mike too. We got a few shots with Tim too before he had to run off. Both of the fellows signed autos and really nice ones for Mike wishing him luck in the 4th grade and thanks for watching ( Matt) and to watch out young Neal Caffrey-from his friend Tim.
We got to watch filming for a bit from across the street. I got a smiles and a wink from Tim from across the way ( still feeling special here) and a shout out to a waving Mike from Sharif who called over across the street"Did you get to meet Matt and Tim yet?" We yelled back yes and thanks!
All I can say is :
WOW I have included a few pics but I wasn't in the best location to get really good ones. Alos caught a glimpse of Andrew McCarthy.
Still I hope you all enjoyed this tale of a day with Mike. Afterward of course, Mike and I went to Toys R Us, M & M World and the Hershey store. Still, he did not stop talking about Jones, Neal and Peter the rest of the day. On our way leaving the set a few blocks down, we saw the crew member we ran into earlier. She remembered us and asked if we got to see them. I said yes and thanks cause she made Mike's whole day!
I have been told repeatedly how lucky and blessed I am to have been able to see the cast as often as I have been. I realize that and am grateful beyond measure. As much as I enjoy going to the set, I enjoy sharing the adventures with all of you. I hope you do as well. I will continually promote not only one of the best shows on television, but the best cast and crew I have had the honor of meeting.
I also want to take this time to ask if you can even if it is a dollar, help make a child smile with Sharif Atkins and a chance to meet this officer and a gentleman in person by helping
Operation Smile!
It ends soon so act fast!
mpse of guest director Andrew