It seems like yesterday...for one of my children it actually was but for the other , the journey to school began a few years earlier. When my eldest had started kindergarten, I was OK with it...well not 100 % alright but better than I felt yesterday. I looked to my youngest and told myself I still have two more years before you're in school. Plenty of time, right? plenty of time to spend one on one, play all those games he wanted, just hang out, just the two of us. Don't get me wrong. We did do those things, but looking back i don't think it was enough. Then again what parent thinks what they do is ever enough...
When the two years were up as of yesterday, my husband and I took him to school. he had never been to a pre-k since I am home with him. WE work on schoolwork and would just spend time together. I was waiting for the "Mommy I don't want to go!" since that is what he had been saying for so long. When we got there, he was a bit shy as is his nature but went right in. I kept waiting for the phone to ring telling me to go down there because he was upset, but it never came.
My husband remarked how quiet it was ( he works nights so now it is just us.) It was...too quiet.
I must say I feel better today than yesterday. After hearing how much fun he had even if I wasn't there to enjoy made me realize ( just a little) that it was time to let go:)