If you are like me and love the new USA Network show White Collar ( or just enjoy seeing Matt Bomer in action:) then here is what you can do to make sure it comes back after this season. A lot of fans were confused , upset, thrown off, etc. by the fall finale. I know I was one of them. Think about it: a good twist is always a reason to keep coming back for more. If we didn't have them, then things would be yawn...boring. Jeff Eastin the brilliant creator behind the magnificent characters encouraged us the fans to email USA Network directly and request that they keep this show on the air. It is in its fledgling state and as with all new brilliant shows can use help getting the word out!!!! SO please pass it on, email the network and do your part. If you have never seen this amazing show look for it on USA Network and see its return January 19, 2010!